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Faster and cheaper than traditional post

Jeune homme souriant assis avec un ordinateur portable sur les genoux en train de lire ses notifications après l'envoi de courriers recommandés électroniques.
A tracking timeline displayed on a purple interface from a website labeled "" Pronotif key features is the tracking of your emails.
Notification banner with the message 'Zineb Idrissi has accepted the request' displayed on a purple gradient background with an envelope icon.
Focused woman working on a laptop at a desk, with a overlay of text notifications in the background.
  • Notice of lease renewal  
  • Lease amendments
  • Notice of repossession
  • Notice of default
  • Offer to purchase
  • And all other strategic documents ( blueprints, specifications, contracts, etc.)
$8.25per notification
CORPIQ member
$4.95per notification

Certified email service

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